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Dr. Serkan Aygin Clinic

Hair transplants
in Turkey



the best european
Hair Transplant Doctor


Dr. Serkan Aygin, having been a part of one of the first medical teams to perform hair transplantation in Turkey, has been practicing in the field of hair-loss treatments since 1996. 

Considered a pioneer in this field, Dr. Serkan Aygın decided to focus on following a single specialization. He has closely followed all the developments, techniques and innovations in the field of hair transplantation over the years.

As one of the few selected doctors who have helped Turkey to be one of the leading countries in the world, Dr. Serkan Aygın plays a standard-setting role with his quarter century experience in the FUE method and the DHI technique. 

Who is suitable for a hair transplant?

Hair transplantation is an effective and permanent solution for people who suffer from alopecia, also known as 'androgenic alopecia' (hereditary alopecia). Apart from these, also people suffering from scars, hair loss due to various diseases and in some cases also women, can safely undergo hair transplantation and enjoy an effective and long-lasting solution.


Currently, hair transplantation is the only permanent solution for hair loss. Hair transplantation is defined as a 'micro-surgical' procedure performed in a surgical setting in a hospital. The term ‘micro-surgery’ implies that hair transplantation is performed with minimal surgical intervention, unlike traditional surgeries.



And here are the results!

All photographs on our website of before and after results are examples only, and do not constitute an implied or any other kind of certainty for the result of the procedure.


Hair transplant

in 7 stages

1. Preparation

Disinfection of donation areas, sedation and local anaesthesia

2. Follicle extraction

Removal of the follicles from the patient's donor area

3.  Consultation and diagnosis

Drawing the hairline in the operating room according to the consultation session

4.  Creation of canals in the donated area

Creation of transplant areas by opening canals

5. Hair transplantation

 Inserting the implants into the transplant areas towards the hair

6.  Healing the transplant areas

Low level laser treatment to accelerate the healing in the transplant and donation areas

7.  Ongoing hair care

For the first 15 days after transplantation, the transplanted area and the donor area will be sensitive.

These days, hair washing should be performed with extreme care and gentleness, according to the clinic's instructions

Want to go through a life-changing experience?

Dr. Serkan invites you to send pictures on WhatsApp

And get a first diagnosis in the upcoming days!

There are no such clinics

The clinic was built by Dr. Serkan, emphasizing a particularly high level of quality in all aspects related to transplantation. The clinic offers the most advanced technologies in the hair transplant industry, along with meticulous planning that allows for as personal and comfortable a treatment experience as possible and, of course, a spectacular and innovative design to complete the experience. Dr. Serkan is first and foremost a doctor, but his greatest passion goes to art. A significant part of his collection of works of art is displayed throughout the clinic and gives it an up-to-date, aesthetic and unique atmosphere.

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